Thursday, December 10, 2009


Change: make or become different.
It’s like a moving train with no tracks
My soul inhibits every blood cell that flows through my veins
Maintaining my every breath and movement, just to keep me alive
It’s like never remembering a friend’s birthday, yet they remember yours
My mind fills the lines of unfinished images everywhere
What is change?
Certainly not two quarters, and a stepped on penny
My mouth thirsts for words it cannot find
My eyes have wrinkles underneath from the constant crying
Yet, everything stays the same
The old man sits on the same bench (alone and forgotten)
Street lights always fulfilling there given purpose
Me however, well, I just wait; for something to happen
Adjusting my hair to the movement of the wind
Observing unwritten stories smothered on stranger’s faces
One day-
I will be the ground on which everyone steps on and needs
Absorbing their energy, and guiding them in all sorts of directions
I will have changed into someone that loves everything
But that would be a lie, because staying the same is my flaw
It’s who I am, even when everything else changes

1 comment:

  1. "my mouth thirsts for words it cannot find"- this is such a powerful sentence. It really touches my core!

    You are a wonderful young woman- and in the short time I've known you- I have seen wonderful changes. Often we think we aren't changing because we are inside ourselves- but those around us can see the changes- "good and bad"
