Monday, January 4, 2010

JOHN 13:37

"Peter said to him, 'Lord, why can I not follow you now?'"

Struggles, feelings it always ends the same
when doubt hits me, I run, I take my own direction
doubting you is the worst decision i can make
I'm sorry
I know now that if I'm patient and wait
you will truly provide and guide towards that direction
I made that mistake before
leaving me confused, regretful, and weak
knowing i didn't wait for you, that hurts the most
I won't do that again, i won't let myself do that
reality can be be as harsh with me as it wants
I won't move, I won't budge
I'll wait
simply WAIT.

"Never run before God gives you His direction, If you have the slightest doubt, then he's not guiding you. Whenever there is doubt - wait." - Oswald Chambers

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